For a look at the cost look what's happening to those being imprisoned for the events of 1/6. Look at what happens when you speak out against the narrative: cancelled, fired, harassed. It's on display what will happen to those who resist as opposed to those who are apart of the elite ruling class. I think too many of us will look at that and say, no thanks, and continue to give up their rights all for the greater good and their own security.

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That's why I'm no so sure the people who say they won't comply actually won't.

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So true. We the People now put all our trust in the government instead of God. We the People allow the ruling class to dictate what freedoms we can keep, because as they take them away the logic is always, "It's for the greater good." We the People don't know American history or World history. Are there enough people who are willing to stand up and really fight for the freedoms given to us by God? Time will tell and I think that time will come in 2024.

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I honestly don’t feel confident that enough would stand up. And the truth is we don’t know what the cost would be, and that makes it even more iffy.

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