Every white person knows they have white privilege. They are immature if they apologize for it.

What is a white person suppose to do?

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What’s one thing you think you can do as a white person that you think I can’t.

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I have to take break from this hollowbaloo. It's to be faced but I need to take a break as I absorb the fans of cold blooded murder in America

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No, no one here is a fan of cold-blooded murder. That might be defamatory and certainly not rooted in reality. What people are not a fan of is an innocent person being targeted for doing his best to neutralize a real threat to other innocent people. Those who oppose that speak boldly while they and their loved ones are safe in their homes. People definitely need to step back and grasp reality here. Thank God a jury comprised of black and white did the right thing and didn’t satisfy ravening wolves out to make good people pay for all the ills of past society.

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