Sexualization of Children in Libraries and Schools Deserves the Same Outrage as the Epstein Island Revelations
The Jeffrey Epstein list has been the conversation this week—the names on it, what that likely means, how horrible… The list—excuse the pun—goes on. Taking center stage in discussions is former President Bill Clinton, whom, Epstein reportedly said, “likes them young, referring to girls.” Oh, the outrage. And the allegation definitely is an outrage. But let’s be clear: the same outrage needs to exist about the child porn in public schools and public libraries. The same spirit is at the core of it. While people are looking over their shoulders at an island in the Caribbean, they’d better start looking in their own backyards.
The normalization of children as sex objects to satisfy pedophiles’ fancies did not just pop up because someone got a glance into the life of Epstein. It has been growing, and we see the fruit of it: these pornographic, hypersexualized, obscene books on shelves in which children are depicted in acts that many adults cannot even handle, where they are taught and encouraged to do things that I even don’t want to read and that no child certainly should be reading.
The United Nations and World Health Organization want children to be sexualized and groomed from birth and are pushing a curriculum, which I have reported on more than once. And how do people respond? Some will vehemently argue that these things are fine. Some label those of us in the fight to protect their children book-banners or conspiracy theorists. And still, others are so deeply asleep that they have no idea what is going on at all. Yet they express outrage about what Clinton or Michael Jackson or some other Hollywood elite may have done. And do note that I said “may have.” I realize that not everyone on the list may be guilty of a crime, and time will tell. I think! But let’s not be stupid. Not everyone went there for stimulating conversation.
Be outraged about the list and the claims and the exploitation of children that reportedly occurred (I’m being kind here) on the island, but if you don’t care about all of the sexual depravity transpiring, particularly among children—children!—you are part of the problem. There’s a progression to these things, and we are somewhere in the continuum of that progression because we wait until some star’s name is mentioned before we give a you-know-what. Meanwhile, folks are sending their children to places every day where they should be nurtured and protected but, instead, they’re being sexualized and robbed of their innocence.
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If you don’t see the connection between the grooming, the transing, the push for masturbating, and encouragement to engage in sexual activity before they can even walk, you need to pay attention. Stop fighting for the “rights” of people to do whatever they want to your kids, exposing them to anything they want, and fight for the safety, well-being, and future of your children.