Barack Obama Puts Black Men in Their Place by Scolding 'the Brothers' for Not Supporting Kamala Harris
Identity politics is nothing new to the left. It is as “Democrat” as apple pie is American, so I shake my head when I encounter people who are offended when others tell the truth—that many support Vice President Kamala Harris’s bid for the presidency because of her complexion. Cut it out, y’all. Former President Barack Obama is certainly not trying to hide it, so y’all need to stop pretending, too. He called out “the brothers” recently in an attempt to strong-arm—and insult—them into voting for Harris.
As increasing numbers of black men have no interest in having to endure a Harris administration in light of the current one we’re all enduring, Obama decided to play slave master and scold free-thinking grown-behind men. He went all Joe Biden on folks. Remember when Biden thought it was okay for him to tell a whole race of people if they voted for Trump and not him, they “ain’t black”? That didn’t go over well, and this isn’t, either. But he did it, suggesting that black men not willing to vote for someone we can all see isn’t up to the task makes them sexist: “Part of it makes me think that, well, you just aren’t feeling the idea of having a woman as president, and you’re coming up with other alternatives and reasons for that,” Obama said.
It must be nice to be a Democrat and get to throw around such insulting rhetoric.
The former president said the lack of support for Harris “seems to be more pronounced with the brothers.”
CNN obtained a recording of Harris’s own brother speaking in September at an NAACP meeting in Milwaukee, in which he told attendees, “Remember you were raised by a strong Black woman; a strong Black woman took care of you, fed you, gave you an opportunity in life.”
Tag-teaming, perhaps? Obama, of course, was not raised by a black woman, but I digress.
While I have no doubt the desperate attempt to appeal to skin-folk will work with some, it’s not working with everyone. Obama’s approach with black men, and black people in general, to get them to vote against their own interests was met with fierce pushback from the Black Men for Trump advisory board, for example, who released a joint statement, which said:
President Obama’s recent call for Black men to support Kamala Harris based solely on her skin color, rather than her policies, is deeply insulting. Black Americans are not a monolith, and we don’t owe our votes to any candidate just because they “look like us.” It’s demeaning to suggest that we can’t evaluate a candidate’s track record – especially when Kamala Harris has done more harm than good to Black communities.
Obama noted that the support for Harris is less than the support he received from “the brothers,” which is why he believes it is rooted in the fact that a woman is on the ticket this time. So in other words, he and Harris are the same people with the same policies and the same knowledge and the same ability to run the country, but she’s a woman, and that’s the only difference? Is this what he’s saying? Because if he is not, his whole point is…well, not a point at all. Obama was bad enough. Kamala along with Walz is likely worse.
Even if she could actually govern and not just tell us repeatedly she was raised by a middle-class mother, once worked at McDonald’s, and is committed to the termination of pregnancies and cutting off kids’ body parts, who is anyone—and that includes someone named Barack Obama—to tell people that they should vote for someone because of any reason other than they want to and that it would be the best way to utilize their freedom as an American? Thankfully, more people realize this, and they are not willing to cosign four more years of policies that have been detrimental to Americans, and that includes, perhaps in particular, black Americans, as the crime in Democrat-run cities and poor law enforcement policies, illegal immigration affecting jobs as well as safety, and rising grocery prices, to name a few travesties, have hit the black community especially hard.
Message to Obama, the same Obama who loves to lectures the rest of us about so-called man-made global warming and rising sea levels, then buys a $15 million home on Martha’s Vineyard—on the coastline (go figure!): Mr. Obama, there’s an awakening to your penchant for gaslighting, so your attempt to rescue Harris’s campaign by putting black people in their black place is not only a bad, insulting look; it’s a failing strategy.
I love your fresh perspective and tenacity.
Love and Blessings
The center holding is crucial to a stable society. What is happening in our country is the demonization of the left by the right and the right by the left. And Trump excels at demonizing people who disagree with him. And our whole media environment just adds to the divisiveness.