Those 'Terrified' by Election Results Should Take Steps Not to Negatively Impact Their Children; They're Watching and Listening
Parents with minor children who are either feigning terror or are actually experiencing terror—albeit unnecessarily—because former President Donald Trump won his 2024 bid to return to the White House should consider what their dramatic response does to their children and should take appropriate measures to get a hold of their emotions.
Children pick up signals. They, unfortunately, can be the worst impacted by other people’s phobios and histrionics. I can’t help but think of them as I read some comments online. The most ridiculous mindsets are out there. One person is ISO “black-friendly countries” to move to.
Another said she made eye contact with a black person in line ahead of her at the store and she could sense how uncomfortable the woman was, and it “broke [her] heart.” This lady said people need a “code” to identify the people just like them so they know they’re safe, something not too obvious so the enemy won’t notice.
Someone else went totally over the top (as if the last one wasn’t), posting that the Trump camp is too quiet, that there’s no gloating, “no victory dance,” “no insults,” nothing but silence—and, therefore, she’s nervous. 🧐
Clearly, people need mental health support, and I encourage them to get it. I especially encourage them to get it if they have children who are having seeds of terror deposited in them, being told Trump is going to round them up. People, please get help. Trump was president for four years and did nothing but make the economy better, make us energy independent, create Opportunity Zones for low-income neighborhoods, make funding for historically black colleges and universities permanent, usher in criminal justice reform with the First Step Act, secure our border, display strength that resulted in peace in the Middle East, support Israel, our number one ally… I’ll stop there. What y’all scared of? Here’s a piece of advice, and I mean this: stop listening to the mainstream media. They’re the reasons some people are shaking in their boots and passing that nonsense on to their children. They’re also the reason alternative media rose up, leading to the defeat of the media propaganda pimps in this election.
Now, some people are nervous for good reason. They weaponized U.S. agencies to go after political opponents, and they are afraid that justice will be served. Remember, however, in a piece I wrote several months ago, Trump is not the monster you’ve been duped into believing he is. While he would have had every right where Hillary Clinton is concerned to go after her, as the “lock her up” chants championed, he, instead, moved on. I don’t know what he’ll do with the people who deserve to face the music of their actions against him, but I feel certain he is most intent with making America great again. The last four years have been hard on most of us, and it’s time to fix it. I trust God to have His way and to use Trump to help. He still uses whomever He will, you know.
Seriously, though, those of you who are dealing with this irrational fear and outrage we are seeing, go speak to someone who can help, and protect your children from being affected and infected.
God bless you.
"Children pick up signals. They, unfortunately, can be the worst impacted by other people’s phobios and histrionics." Reminds me of Christina Applegate's tweet about her daughter sobbing in fear over her reproductive rights. Whether you are pro life or pro choice, a 13 y.o. terrified that one day she may not be able to get an abortion is just insane and there is no way the girl came up with this phobia on her own. Nobody is putting women in those handmaid outfits. Chill out.
The children are already doomed if the parent is terrified by the results, because the parent was to stupid to see through the “script” that the Democrats tried to sell the country based on feelings and not facts.
This is why men are needed in the homes, lmao.