Former President Donald Trump has continued to trounce former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley in the primaries and caucuses. Today, Super Tuesday, is exactly eight months until Election Day, and it’s obvious the 45th president is the Republican who will take on the Democrat nominee for a chance to become the 47th president. But Haley, so far, is still in this thing. How long will she remain in the race?
Trump has endured every attack imaginable, and several unimaginable ones to boot. Nonetheless, he soldiers on, and the American people continue to vote for him. Meanwhile, Haley continues to—let’s be honest—embarrass herself. She has stated she is not going away, and after losing her home state in late February and reiterating she’s staying in, she described herself as “a woman of [her] word.” Many believe she is, indeed, that woman—and as such, she will not quit. Instead, after Trump secures the nomination, they suspect she will run third party and that she has dropped a hint or two about that.
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It’s certainly her right to do so. But at some point, unless one is delusional, it becomes clear that the people just don’t want you. They’re not feeling you. So it is with Haley. The people who are feeling her are people like the so-called D.C. Swamp folks, some Democrats, and, to use a Michael Knowles term, the Republican squishes.
Perhaps Haley truly believes she can pull off a miracle. Likely, she doesn’t want to bow out because she knows Trump’s legal troubles may land him in prison, and she plans to be there waiting in the wings.
At press time, Super Tuesday is not yet a wrap, but it is wrapping up. Reportedly, Haley will not deliver a speech tonight. Is she rethinking the delusion? Time will tell.
It’s official Nikki Haley has dropped out of the race