Sanctity of Human Life Sunday and Ronald Reagan's Proclamation
President Ronald Reagan emphasized that life is sacred and called abortion “a tragedy of stunning dimensions.” According to the website, he designated “the third Sunday of January (or close to that) as National Sanctity of Human Life Day.” He chose this time to correspond with—and to be an affront to—the Supreme Court’s 1973 Roe v. Wade decision, which was overturned in 2022. But there is still much work to do.
The website draws attention to Reagan’s commitment to life while also pointing out the alarming abortion statistics that are the current reality of this country. The fight continues. The overturning of Roe returned the decision to the states; it did not eradicate abortion. And as long as abortion exists, the work must go on.
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Another staple in the commitment to life is the annual March for Life in Washington, D.C., which took place this past Friday, January 19. This year, 2024, marked the 51st anniversary, and ridiculously cold weather and snow could not keep the faithful thousands from attending.
So as we honor life and pray for an end to abortion, let’s take a look back at Reagan's 1984 proclamation, keeping in mind that the statistic he called out, as horrifying as it was then, is now multiplied by more than four. Indeed, there is work to do:
I’m grateful to Alliance for Life Missouri for sharing its resources with the nation, such as the lead photo for this article. The organization pours itself into supporting life and encouraging others to do so also because, as the Sanctity Sunday website states, “Together, we can bring the darkness of the abortion industry into the light – to fight it and to bring attention to the sanctity of all human life.”