Ever notice how easy it is to get people engaged in a cat video but so difficult to get them to care about what's going on in the nation? This episode challenges Americans to become aware and get engaged. Whether the topic is candidates, some newfangled election system, what's going on in schools (because they're coming after the kids!), abortion, etc., what's at stake is too important not to be at least somewhat up on it. Listen to "Please Put the Cat Video on Pause and Pay Attention to the Nation" here, or watch it on YouTube: https://youtu.be/eDYiOZF0GD4
The Adrienne Ross Show Podcast
Adrienne Ross is squaring off From A TO Z on The Adrienne Ross Show Podcast, addressing topics such as politics, faith, culture, education, family, freedom, sports, and more.
Adrienne Ross is squaring off From A TO Z on The Adrienne Ross Show Podcast, addressing topics such as politics, faith, culture, education, family, freedom, sports, and more.Listen on
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