It's Been Nearly a Week Since Donald Trump Was Inaugurated, And Though People Said It Couldn't Happen, America Is Still Standing—a Little Taller, Even.
I’m going to get right to the point. They tried to make him out to be a monster who must never take the oath of office again, but on Monday, Donald Trump, once the 45th president and now the 47th, did just that. And the United States is still standing—a little taller, I might add.
Many were trembling and had their children following suit at the thought of a Trump presidency. But Inauguration Day has come and gone, and it’s been all good, perhaps better than even his supporters thought. He gave a speech that exuded strength, one not only the nation heard, but the world. He wasted no time in getting started on promises made, fulfilling at least 46 on Day 1. As Breitbart News reported, “President Donald Trump signed 118 executive orders, actions, and memoranda on January 20, 2025, within hours of taking the Oath of Office”: