Sarah Palin joins The Adrienne Ross Show and discusses a wide range of topics, including her campaign to represent Alaska in Congress; education, which is one of her key issues near and dear to my heart; her foundation of faith; attacks she's endured; former President Donald Trump; ranked choice voting; and more. So much from the former governor--and so good! Listen to "My Interview with Sarah Palin About...Everything" here, or watch it on YouTube:
The Adrienne Ross Show Podcast
Adrienne Ross is squaring off From A TO Z on The Adrienne Ross Show Podcast, addressing topics such as politics, faith, culture, education, family, freedom, sports, and more.
Adrienne Ross is squaring off From A TO Z on The Adrienne Ross Show Podcast, addressing topics such as politics, faith, culture, education, family, freedom, sports, and more.Listen on
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