I hope everyone had a fabulous Christmas. I hope, too, that you were able to set technology and other distractions aside, even briefly, focus on the true meaning of the holiday and spend it in a way that brought you joy and warmth within. I also hope those same things continue for you now that Christmas for this year has passed.
Our hope and peace should never rely on one holiday and observance. Shouldn’t the best of what we appreciate about the calendar days we deem special be ongoing practices? That’s not to say we can have the day off whenever we want or open gifts every day or lounge around in fluffy, soft pajamas for 24 hours. Life isn’t set up like that for most of us, but it does mean that we can intentionally incorporate these things into our world regardless of the day of the week or year. But “intentionally” is the key word. Because our society is rooted in go, move, plug in, create, even though we know we need to break away, most often, we do not.