Lesson #1 from Tucker Carlson's Treatment
Tucker Carlson's exit from Fox News should be a lesson to every single one of us: no one is indispensable, even if they should be. If anyone should be, it would be Tucker, but as you can see, he ain’t.
You’ve read the commentary. You’ve watched the discussions. You could practically hear the wheels in heads racing wildly as people wonder how in the world a network lets go of someone who is arguably the face of the entire network. Whatever happened to “keep the talent happy”? If anyone should have been kept happy it should have been Tucker. This guy was at the helm of the number one cable news show in the nation! But even that did not save him. His fan base, his blue check, and, for those who believe in white privilege, his white skin didn’t protect him. His accomplishments didn’t save him, and it’s time we realize neither will ours.