Prepare to be provoked: the jury got it right. In this episode, I weigh in on the Kyle Rittenhouse verdict. I also point out that some people pretending to be outraged by the decision aren't really outraged at all; that some who actually are outraged should have paid closer attention to the details of the trial, or paid attention at all; and that many wanted Kyle to be the sacrificial lamb slaughtered for the price of their own wounds, making race an issue in a case that wasn't about race.
The Adrienne Ross Show Podcast
Adrienne Ross is squaring off From A TO Z on The Adrienne Ross Show Podcast, addressing topics such as politics, faith, culture, education, family, freedom, sports, and more.
Adrienne Ross is squaring off From A TO Z on The Adrienne Ross Show Podcast, addressing topics such as politics, faith, culture, education, family, freedom, sports, and more.Listen on
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