FLASHBACK: I Was Shut Down in 2019 When I Said ‘They’re After Your Children,’ but Look Now
Many of you know I had a column in the newspaper for many years until about a year and a half ago, when I chose to start my own online column—this one. I specifically remember one column I submitted in 2019 that the paper refused to publish. It was entitled “They’re After Your Children.” That statement was true then, but in light of how horribly wrong things have gone for children since then as it pertains to the obvious agenda to destroy them, it's certainly even more true today, if there could be such a thing. The Balenciaga outrage is the latest sick episode in this saga. The editorial board, of which I had previously been a member for many years, reserved the right not to run any piece, but I have wondered many times if they would call my perspective “over the top” now, which they called it then.