Good Friday: 'Amazing Grace' Is More than a Song
The joy of Sunday’s resurrection doesn’t happen without Friday’s agony. This day, Good Friday, is “good” because without it, there’s no hope for any of us. I will eternally—literally—be grateful for what Jesus did for me and for you. Most of us have heard the story of God’s love all of our lives. We must rail against taking His love lightly or not recognizing its power. “God is love” is not just a cliche, and “Amazing Grace” is more than a song.
We all need what Jesus’ sacrifice freely gives us. No one is too low for Him to raise. No one is too high for Him to humble. I pray every one of us will get to know him for Who He is—not what man’s tradition has made Him out to be, not the box our ideas have placed Him in, but Who He truly is.
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We can start by telling Him we believe or asking Him to help us believe if we’re struggling. We can thank Him that He paid the price so that we can have life in Heaven and more abundant life on earth: “I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly” (John 10:10b). We can reach out to people of faith and get in fellowship with these Bible-believing people so we can learn and grow. We can share our testimony of what God has done for us. We can have a fresh start precisely because Jesus paid the price with unimaginable suffering. He took our place. That truly is Good News on this Good Friday—and every day.
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