President Donald Trump has some people fuming for…well, many reasons. LOL! But let’s just take the issue of the Department of Education. He has talked about dismantling it. I’m not sure how that will turn out, but as someone who taught in the public school for close to 20 years, I give the proposition an A+.
Whether you’re talking about cleanup after a natural disaster, guidelines governing a small community, or, yes, educating children, the less the federal government gets involved, the better. More often than not, big government means big delays, big bureaucracy, and, frankly, a big mess. States know the pulse of their people. I’d actually go so far as to say local communities know the culture they have and want to maintain. Washington elites, often so far removed from the values local educators and their families have, should not be pulling the strings. There’s often an agenda that does not have the best interest of children and their families.