The Elite vs. the Rest of Us: Joe Biden Misleading Americans and Pardoning Hunter Not a Surprise; Just a Reminder
The air is still swirling with talk about President Joe Biden pardoning his son, Hunter. One expects Republicans to call out the nepotism, but the Democrats might actually be even more infuriated. Absolutely no one should be surprised that Biden misled the American people, however. Did people really expect someone with such power to submit to what we average Americans must submit to? If so, you haven’t been paying attention.
Biden repeatedly said he would not pardon his son. Apparently, some members of his own party believed him, and now, they feel betrayed. Other Democrats feel like it takes away their ability to denigrate President-elect Trump, and we all know how much they love to do that.
The media are especially frustrated, it seems. The reason, in part, is that they did their usual job of carrying water for the president and his administration, and how did he repay them? He made them look like turkeys, which is appropriate in light of Biden pardoning his son right after the turkey holiday, which traditionally is preceded by a the president pardoning real turkeys.
The bottom line, regardless of the outrage, is that the elite do what they want to do, no matter what they said they would do. Biden was complicit in his son’s actions. The “Big Guy” in the China deal was Joe Biden himself. Some say that by pardoning his son—a pardon that covers almost 11 years!—he was pardoning himself.
About those 11 years: “For those offenses against the United States which he has committed or may have committed or taken part in during the period from January 1, 2014 through December 1, 2024…” Why so long, Biden?