Self-Professed Atheist Bill Maher More Honest About Abortion than Some Avowed Christians and Pro-Lifers
Bill Maher recently annihilated the idea that pro-life people “just hate women,” instead, pointing out to his Real Time panel and audience that they actually “think it’s murder,” then adding, “and it kind of is.” Sadly, however, he’s “okay with that.”
Pro-abortion people often accuse those who stand for life of being a band of misogynists who not only despise women, but long to control their bodies. Maher’s retort pushes back on that accusation. His understanding of abortion and honesty about the topic speak to why I (and many others) do not support a 15-week ban or 12-week ban or whatever number they come up with. As I’ve stated before, how is a human being less of a human being at 15 weeks than at 14 weeks and 6 days, for example. Maher, a man who unashamedly derides the belief in God, is able to understand this. Meanwhile, people professing to be Christians and even some pastors vehemently defend so-called “abortion rights” or “abortion exceptions,” as do some conservatives who consider themselves pro-life.
Maher’s comments make it clear that he believes if one does not hold an “absolutist” position on abortion, he’s a hypocrite. People either believe life begins at conception, or they don’t. And if they do believe that, as pro-life people say they do, they would have to also believe that terminating a pregnancy is murder.
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“That's why I don't understand the 15-week thing, or Trump's plan is, ‘Let’s leave it to the states.’ You mean, so killing babies is okay in some states? Like, I can respect the absolutist position. I really can,” Maher stated.
Abortion has always been a hot topic, but it got even hotter with the overturning of Roe v. Wade, thanks to the Supreme Court justices former President Donald Trump nominated. It continues to flame because of recent comments Trump made about abortion exceptions. Kari Lake, a U.S. Senate candidate (R-AZ), has also recently jumped into the fire—her comments sounding like she stayed up all night studying the left’s abortion talking points (which I will address in a separate piece).
Trump always discusses abortion by contrasting his position with the radical far-left, who fight for no restrictions at all—up until birth and termination even post-birth. He also typically couples his comments with saying, “You must also win elections.” Some see this as a wink and a nod to his pro-life base—sort of like stating, “Let’s say what we need to say to win, and we’ll take it from there.” I’m not so sure that’s what he’s doing, and I don’t like it. I cannot deny that more lives will be saved by electing Trump than his opposition; we know where Biden’s loyalties lie. I’m just hardcore enough to want all lives saved and don’t like babies being used as political footballs, which happens across the political spectrum.
Trump points out that the pro-life community wanted the decision in the hands of the states, not a federal ban, and that’s what they got. But I cannot ignore the truth Maher points out regarding that. A murder in Kansas should be a murder in Missouri if one believes murder is murder. I applauded Roe not for being the end of the pro-life fight, but for being what appeared to be a step in the right direction, which would be a federal ban.
Maher possessing more common sense than Bible-believing, Jesus-loving Christians and pro-life conservatives is a bit scary, especially since this is the same guy who, after saying abortion “kind of is” murder, also said—without batting an eye—”I’m just okay with that.” Creepy place to be as a culture. The thing is, he’s not alone in that creepiness. He just happens to be bold enough to say it while others continue to pretend an unborn baby is “just a clump of cells—science be darned.
Bill Maher is a POS and I would bet God doesn’t care what he thinks, he can be ok with it but I’m sure God never ask for his opinion